The captivating beauty of wildlife is that it functions seamlessly without human intervention.
Taking you on a journey to explore the vastness and wilderness of Southern Africa. The Unexpected brings together the two realities that merge into the cycle of life, a documentation process of captured moments and movements through stillness and action.
Emerging wildlife photographer Michael Bonnici Kind embarked on a road trip, visiting far-off places and exploring corners of countries not often seen, especially during COVID, alone and lucky enough to experience remote and wild areas. This wildlife photographic exhibition allows us to enter a world far beyond us, evoke emotion, and witness the unpredictable. The captivating beauty of wildlife is that it functions seamlessly without human intervention. It is a different world, untouched and unbothered, where animals share their emotions, fears, and life, where we are mere spectators, invited into their world if they allow us to.
Documentation of sightings from 9 months of traveling and research around Southern Africa between 2020-2021. An exploration of 7 countries, and 17 National parks, covering just over 37,000km with the great companionship of a Land cruiser named ‘Lucy,’ equipped to handle the journey and be completely self-sufficient in the most deserted places. Following through with this expedition during covid allowed for spending days in isolation, in off-beaten parts, when not many people were traveling. The photographer considers this to have elevated the documentation process and experience, appreciating the unpredictability and vastness of such a marvelous continent.